Stelline de Selas

Princess Royal of the Kingdom of Selas
content creator | voice artist | local milk tea bun

- WOL (re)intro cards
- brand board

her royal highness, stelline de selas
part-time idol and full-time princess royal, Stelline is the kingdom's Little Star of the Sea. though currently cursed to remain in her bunny form for now, she still hosts tea parties in the castle gardens as her way of connecting with her people and visitors alike.

✿ more info to come soon! ✿

credits spreadsheet

KINGDOM OF SELAS | Laws and Regulations

rules and guidelines for living in harmony together in the Kingdom

1. Treat everyone with kindness and respect!
✿ zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination, hate speech etc.
✿ don’t impersonate others or start/perpetuate drama
✿ respect each person’s right to tell their own story at their own pace
2. Keep things classy
✿ family-friendly pls! keep discussions wholesome/clean
✿ no nsfw or obscene content, including text, images or links to such content
✿ an occasional swear will not get you in trouble, but use caution!
✿ don’t spam or otherwise display attention-seeking behavior
3. No spoilers, leaks, or backseating
✿ “no spoilies, only smilies”
- help us protect each other’s experiences of stories in media! if you must post a spoiler, please do so with appropriate tags and context so people know what they might be clicking into! something posted in tags without context will be deleted.
✿ no discussion of rumors/leaks/unconfirmed info, including direct links to and references or allusions to such. please respect NDAs.
✿ respect others playstyles in games and let people enjoy things at their own pace and on their own terms.
- Knights are permitted to backseat the Princess Royal, but otherwise no hints or tips unless she asks. please no irl backseating either–Her Highness can take care of herself!
4. Self-promo only in the appropriate channels
✿ don’t spam or bother ppl in the discord or in DMs
✿ there’s a self-promo channel for Selastials to use in discord!
✿ while we are grateful for support of fellow content creators and friends of the Princess Royal, her livestreams are her own Royal Tea Party, and the focus should be on that. if you feel that you are having more fun in another chat, please feel free to hang out there.
5. English is the primary language of the Kingdom
✿ we can’t moderate in other languages, so this is for our collective safety
✿ similarly, if your text is excessively "decorative" and hard to read, we may delete it due to difficulty moderating.
6. All art must be credited!
✿ all art must include credits, ideally in the form of a direct link to the artists’ original post!
✿ sharing art does not equate to endorsement of the rest of the artists’ activity
✿ AI-made content is not welcome here.
7. Your mental health is important!
✿ we want you to feel welcome and comfortable here, but please remember to take breaks as needed! we cannot act in the capacity of mental health professionals, and so can never replace proper expert help. please seek help when you think it might be helpful!
✿ protect your own and each other’s peace
- no trauma-dumping or excessive negativity–we’re all here to have a comfy time!
8. Stay safe & whale responsibly!
✿ stay safe online! absolutely no age talk, and please use caution when talking about potentially identifiable/private information!
✿ please also whale responsibly! we cannot tell you want to do with your own money–this is just a gentle reminder to spend wisely on twitch, in discord, and for games and such!
✿ Closed DMs
- the Princess Royal has her DMs/friend requests closed
- should anyone wish to send her a message, please use the appropriate channels in discord or use the tag #StellinaMaris!
- she will also adjust her friends lists for games per her discretion. don’t take it personally if she does not accept your friend request and/or unfriends you after playing together. she simply prefers to keep her friends list to people she knows well or has known for a long time.
9. What Her Highness says, goes
✿ the Princess Royal’s word is law, and the Knights are also to be respected and listened to. the knights and i will take action as necessary per our discretion regarding behavior.
✿ the Poofsuke Clause aka “Revenge of the Poof”
- Her Highness may, at any time and for any reason and for any length of time, add Knights of her choosing to the game lobby, per her discretion.
10. Refer to the Princess Royal by her name and titles
✿ Her Highness’ official title is the Princess Royal
she may also be called
- by her name, Stelline
- by her epithet, Stellina (the little star)
- by her nicknames: Stelle, Stella, Stellie
- by her immersion break name, but please spell/say it correctly
✿ members of the Knights and Royal Court may have other nicknames for the Princess Royal, but no pet names will be permitted
11. Speak yourself
✿ if you find anything that violates the rules and/or makes you uncomfortable, please let a Knight or Her Highness know! we want to help keep the Kingdom safe!
✿ similarly, if there are any suggestions you have to make the Kingdom a better place, let us know that too!
✿ we have ModMail as well as a suggestions channel for these purposes
12. Disclosure
✿ Just a disclaimer note: Stelline, the StellinaMaris stream/content, Knights (mods), members/viewers, etc, and all opinions therein are not affiliated with nor representative of any organization unless expressly indicated. Any and all statements (unless explicitly noted/cited) are our own and meant for informative, discussion, and/or entertainment purposes only.
✿ Please note that all tips/gifts are non-refundable, so please whale responsibly! If a gift makes me uncomfortable for whatever reason, I reserve the right to pay it forward privately by donating the amount to a charity of my choice.

legal small text
improper conduct and violations of these rules will result in disciplinary action by the Princess Royal and her Knights, per their discretion. please follow their instructions in all situations in Selas. rules may be updated at any time for any reason, and are the same for twitch and discord where applicable.
not all the rules will apply to the Knights at all times, and similarly with members of the Royal Court–they are mods and vips for a reason. at the same time, they did not become mods/vips by breaking interacting with the content of StellinaMaris, you agree to abide by these rules. so be good, have fun, and stay safe! keep shining on, Selastials! we’ll see you in the kingdom~

✿ voiceover + singing demos coming soon! ✿

✿ twitch stream commands list coming soon! ✿

brand boards

WOL (re)introduction cards

request your own WOL (re)intro card by DMing me on twitterin addition to full general TOS, please note the notes below before requesting a commission!

✿ terminology
- WOL: warrior of light, in this case specifically referring to player characters in Final Fantasy XIV Online (FFXIV)
- WOL (re)introduction card: the product, card, artwork, design
✿ This WOL card is for personal and social media/stream use only, e.g., client may repost the work on social media and/or show it on stream. However, please credit where possible, and do not claim it as your own work!✿ In the case of a client wanting multiple WOL cards, please fill out one form per WOL and discuss with me about sending portraits with clearly labeled file names.✿ I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with FFXIV or any related organization, business, and/or content: I am simply making a cute little card for players to show off their wonderful WOLs!!

✿ process:
- client requests commission
- i send client the form
- i receive form submission and reference info
- if commission request is accepted, i send an invoice
- client pays invoice
- then:
DRAFTING: i fill in the info for the card
PROOFING: client reviews the info + portrait on the card
COMPLETE: client receives product(s) through email

apply for a brand board commission by filling out this form. see this guide for helpful tips!in addition to full general TOS, please note the notes below before requesting a commission!

1.5x commercial included in pricing, product allowed for commercial use excluding merch/reselling

please note that I do not offer general branding consult, so only apply if you already have a clear vision of your brand!

want to upgrade your carrd account? consider using my referral code: jpwlyz69

✿ historical records of Stellina Maris + Selas Kingdom coming soon! ✿

✿ stellina + branding refs coming soon! ✿

SELAS DESIGN | General Terms of Service

for commissions & design work

✿ These terms apply to all projects I am commissioned to work on. if any project has more specific terms of service, by the order of specificity rule, the project-specific TOS will take precedence in cases where they conflict.✿ I reserve the right to refuse your commission if I feel I am not the right fit to fulfill your vision.✿ Communication will be done through X/twitter DMs, and reference info will be submitted through a Google Form, as this will help me keep information organized. In special circumstances, there may be other ways to collect information, such as summarizing our discussion in an email so we both have a copy.✿ Payments will be done through Paypal invoice. Payment will be upfront in full after the commission is agreed upon, and before the client receives a proof, if applicable. I am open to negotiation regarding payment plans, within reason.✿ I reserve the right to adjust the quoted commission price at any point during the process if the scope of the project changes drastically than what was initially agreed upon.✿ Completion/turnaround time may vary from project to project due to factors such as complexity, tech hurdles, and life circumstances. I will do my best to communicate efficiently!
- No rush orders available. The client may check in with progress, but please be respectful and avoid spamming.
✿ In the case that the client becomes unreachable after 1-2 weeks, I will consider the request for commission abandoned and the client will lose their spot in the queue.✿ I will not work with any form of AI generated content. I will reject projects with such content from the start, but I reserve the right to terminate any project that includes genAI content at any point if I happen to notice it late, without refund. Do not use the product for NFTs or genAI.✿ All products I make are for personal use only unless discussed at length with the client to negotiate commercial rights.
- Personal use: the product will not be used for any monetary gain or on social media.
- Commercial rates are available at various levels. Social media/stream rights will be an added fee, and merch rights are a separate, higher fee. Please discuss this with me if this is your intention! Please also check the specific commission TOS, as it may list options.
- Do not re-edit, alter, or resell the final product without my consent.
I reserve the rights to post about my process and finished projects on my own social media and in my portfolio, unless otherwise requested and negotiated.
✿ The number of drafts my vary by project. Working drafts will be kept for a minimum of six months, after which I am free to delete them. Final products will be kept for a minimum of one year.✿ Refund policy: If we are in the Starting stage of the work process and I have not shown the client anything to review, then a full refund is available. If after a draft is sent and the client is not satisfied after multiple revisions during Starting and Drafting, a partial refund is available after discussion. The unused drafts may not be modified, sold, or used in genAI. Unless I am unable to complete the commission, no refunds are available after the Working stage begins, e.g., after the first full draft is approved. Please make sure you are happy with the direction of the project before I continue.✿ Revision Policy: It is recommended that the client makes revision requests before or during the Drafting stage, as this is parallel to an illustrator's "sketch" phase of commissions. Changes past this point are difficult to make, and are subject to revision fees. Once we enter Proofing, client can make a few minor revision requests, including but not limited to changing an element's position slightly, changing the color of a background element, updating/correcting text such as names of colors/fonts, etc. This policy does not apply to YCH designs.
- Revision fees will be incurred if client requests revisions, including but not limited to major composition changes, color palette and/or font swaps, motif/element changes, etc. Each revision instance will incur a separate fee. Client will be reminded about the fee before I proceed.
- Revision fee may also be incurred early (before Proofing) if major changes (such as entire color palette swaps) are requested. In such cases, I will ask if client wants to proceed with the commission or come back once the vision for the project is clarified.
- If client is unsure what can or cannot be revised, please just ask! We can talk about it!
✿ for YCH designs:
- As this is essentially a "Your Character Here" product, there will be no edits/revisions other than for accuracy/clarity. For example, I will make edits for errors such as typos or wrong file uploads, but I will not be revising major things, so please be sure the info is accurate!
- Additionally, other clients will have a similar product as you! the design will not change, only the custom individualized info will.

By requesting and commissioning me, you agree to and accept these general terms as well as any project-specific terms of service. You also confirm by accepting this agreement that any information you provide (including and not limited to reference images) is information you are allowed to give: i cannot be held responsible if a client provides me with information/art that violates any copyright and/or NDA. I am not responsible for any issues caused by client failure to read the terms. I also reserve the right to terminate the commission with no refund if the client fails to communicate and/or exhibits disrespectful behavior.